It’s Dragonfly Season!!


I LOVE dragonfly season in the country. Once they start appearing, there are HUNDREDS of dragonflies that sit in the grass, on the flowers, all of the trees, and garden plants. Within a week, they’re as big as my fingers.

The bigger they get, the friendlier/ more chill they seem to get as well. When I reach out towards them they often land on my fingertips, and they will let me pick them up if I approach them. I feel like the Dragonfly Whisperer if there was such a thing!

If you ever want to pick them up, just get up early and go to a field or a park – they need to warm up the sun before flying around and froliking in the sun all day. Just put your finger down in front of a big one – and it’ll likely step on. The chances of it biting you are slim if you are nice to it! (I’ve never been bitten. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

I particularly enjoy how they face the same direction if there are a number of them in the same plant, or close together. Why do they do this? I see birds do this – the Cedar Waxwings in our cherry trees face the same direction as a group as well.

A peaceful moment I witnessed was in a clover patch on the lawn – in a sunny patch of komorebi (the light that filters through the leaves of trees). It took me a while to get this shot!!

Shoutout to my dog for not scaring this lil dude away and staying still for *just* long enough.

Walking around outside is fun right now, because along with the hundreds of dragonflies, we have dozens of frogs in the grass. I don’t have photos of them (yet??) though. For every 30 steps I take, 10 dragonflies fly off of the grass around me, and a frog leaps out of the way.

In the garden, there is usually one dragonfly on each of the bamboo poles we have out. It’s awesome.

These bring me joy, so I hope you appreciate the photos. (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)

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