About Me: Q&A


On my instagram, I asked my followers to ask me any questions that they were curious about, so here are my answers below to some of the questions I got.

But before I get into this, I want to say, thank you so much for coming to my website!!! This is the official, first blog post. So, please also take a look at the “About Me” and “Design” pages noted at the top menu, stay a while.

“What are your current goals in life?!” – B.

he hardest question first. I would say that my current goals in life can be split into two categories: Creative goals, and mental health goals.

As for creative goals, I am currently working on a more refined idea of my drawing/painting style. It would be ideal for me to have a more consistent style once I start sharing more of my art, and also to transition into becoming a full-time artist.

Other than that, I want to be completely free – free to travel and roam without any obligations or heavy responsibilities. Since discovering antidepressants last year, I have been filled with this drive to go out and explore as much as possible, and just generally gained a new passion for life. My most important goal in is to maintain this new sense of peace and to get rowdy without being too rowdy.


Of course it would be wonderful to get really good at making gouda cheese or building birch bark canoes, but these are also things that I really don’t need to get into at the moment.

What makes you a spiritual (or religious) person? – D.

I am a Christian – a huge fan of Jesus. I grew up going to a Christian church, and still continue to go most Sundays, even if it is a virtual service as of late.

Through the darkest moments in my life, I have been saved by God – and I have experienced a handful of profound occurrences which were too great to be coincidences. Due to these experiences, I know by logic and also faith that I can rely on and trust God for the decisions I need to make in my life. He sharpens my intuition, and my intuition never lets me down.

I would like to be as freely loving, kind, patient, thoughtful, and as selfless as Jesus. He is a cool dude, and it makes me very sad that Christians have a bad reputation, because one of the main points of being a Christian is to learn to love others and spread compassion.


What are your favourite hobbies? – C.

My favourite hobbies include listening to music, making great playlists, painting, drawing, journalling, weight lifting, & yoga. Working on my flexibility and mobility since I have no weights available to lift at home.


Since socially distancing and being at home all day, I am practicing handstands, painting, and reading philosophy books while listening to either Dutch rap or 70’s blues.


What’s your favourite song?” – R.

I would say that my all-time-favourite song is “Untitled” by Matt Corby. Pretty much anything sung by Matt Corby makes my heart sing and transports me. Check him out!

I can’t just give you one though, so here are ten other songs that I seriously enjoy by other artists. I highly recommend looking into the other albums and tunes by them as well.

“You’re stranded on an island with 1 movie character. Who is it and what you do together?” – C


Mmmmmmm….. If I were to be stranded with 1 movie character, I know that I would have the best chances of survival if I had someone with me who was stronger, and was actually tolerable to be around.

There are a lot of characters I would like to hang out with for an indefinite amount of time, however in the circumstance of being stranded, I will choose:

Winston Wolf (Pulp Fiction)


I actually think that my highest chance of survival would be if I wasn’t stranded anymore. I have him in mind because he is absolutely brilliant, and I am sure that he could get us out of this mess.

Together we find a way to get off of the island.

Here is a typical day with Winston Wolf and I:

I wake up whenever I feel like getting up, and Winston is already awake and is thinking about our escape. We eat the edible plants we found on the island yesterday, and spend our morning plotting, and scavenging for the day’s supplies.

During the day, we are plotting in the shelter when the sun is hot, and keep ourselves entertained by continuing to work on building an elaborate sculpture out of mud, stones, and wood that resembles a menacing bird. The bird is named “Marty” simply because he looks like he could be a Marty.


In the evening, we eat more edible plants, and we go fishing. We catch ourselves whatever fish we catch that day, and prepare it for dinner. He tells me stories and details of encounters he wouldn’t tell anybody else, considering we could die here! They are absolutely riveting stories.

Eventually, when the sun sets, we both go to sleep in our separate shelters (mine’s nicer) with the hope that we find ourselves rescued soon.

  • Kayla
    April 8, 2020 at 6:32 am

    Great writing! Keep it going 🙂