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写真: 新潟県、阿賀野市の阿賀野川:安田瓦ロード


The English version of this post can be found here. 昨年の11月に母の地元である新潟県に遊びに行ってきました。滞在中、親戚からすすめられ、阿賀野市の「安田瓦ロード」に行ってきました。「安田瓦ロード」とは、阿賀野市で江戸時代より瓦が生産された場所です。 昔ながらの瓦はもちろん、近代的な瓦の使い方や楽しみ方を学ぶことのできる場所です。安田瓦は、吹雪で荒れる日本海特有の気候に条件に適した強度、防水性を誇る瓦で、安田瓦ロードには瓦を使ったさまざまモニュメントも多くあり、歩いていてとても楽しい場所です。 そこで撮影した写真を、皆さんに紹介したいと思います! 彫刻としておいてありました。 見てたい焼きを食べたくなりました。 古い民家の屋根の飾り付け。このような建物が、安田瓦ロードには多く立ち並んでいます。 強面な犬瓦。ポケモンのようで、いつか自分の畑の狛犬にしたいと思いました。 かわいい魚の瓦。私の飼っている魚のイタチに似てます。 古いの鬼瓦。安田瓦には、それぞれお店の個性が出ています。 『長場 鬼瓦工場』のオリジナル キャラクター。名前は GAGUです。 かわいい犬のモニュメント。 背が高い、大きな彫刻。すべて安田瓦で作られて、とてもかっこ良かったです。 阿賀野川に付近の民家の前に飾られているモニュメント。 「頭の上に何か乗ってる??」 この鬼は、良い休憩場所を見つけました。 周りをちゃんと見ましょう。 一列になって友達と冒険! 友達の話を聞いているかわいいウサギさん。 鬼の家族が仲良く団らんしている様子。お店の前にありました。 「これは?!」 ド迫力な鬼瓦!! 約3.5メートルの彫刻は、公園の真ん中で訪問者を迎えます。 新潟を訪れる機会があれば、ぜひ安田路を訪れてほしいです!ここには他にもたくさんのモニュメントがあるが、あえてこれだけを紹介するのは、自分で行って見てみたいという気持ちを喚起するためです。 もしこの記事を楽しんでいただけたら、コメントを残し、シェアしてください!私の写真を見てくださってありがとうございます。…

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Photographs from Yasuda Tile Road, Niigata Prefecture


日本語で見たい方は、こちらへ! Agano River, Agano City, Niigata Prefecture: Yasuda Tile Road I visited Niigata Prefecture last November, my mother’s hometown. During my stay, I visited “Yasuda Tile Road” in Agano City, as recommended by a relative. Yasuda Tile Road is where traditional roofing tiles have been produced in Agano since the Edo period. It is a place where visitors can learn about the use and enjoyment of traditional as well as modern roof tiles. Yasuda Tile is a strong and waterproof…

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Gaming as a Powerful Language Tool


Ash or Satoshi? Doesn’t matter – they’re the same person. As an International Relations Coordinator in Japan, I spend a lot of time with people in my community. It is part of my role here to communicate with people around me! But sometimes I don’t know what to say. When in doubt, I ask, “what Pokemon do you like?” Talking about gaming is an accessible and reliable conversation topic. Especially something as universal as Pokemon. Games and Learning My brother…

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Take the day off, it’s a baseball game


If there is something that Japanese people take seriously, it’s their culture. Since the introduction of baseball to Japan in 1867 and its professional debut in 1920, the sport has woven into the nation’s spirit as if it were invented there. Support for all teams from the local beginners to the pro league is widespread. So much so that a high school baseball tournament is almost regarded as a holiday. Last month on May 10th, half of the Board of…

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It’s Time To Stop To Smell the Flowers


Springtime was busy, with people waking up early to gettheir gardens and fields planted in the sunny reprieves amidst the rainy season. Bees werebuzzing to and from the wide selection of early Spring flowers, either planted with care orthe lively wild blossoms. There were, and still are a lot of flowers to pay attention to, as it seems thatevery week, a blooming season ends and another begins. The earliest flowers of the year were the azalea bushes all over town,…

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English Education Update in Ashoro


Shoutout to MChe Lee on Unsplash for the image. Greetings from Ashoro! We have started the third month of the new school year, and it is different than the last couple of years for a number of reasons. Firstly, we are clearly still in apandemic. Secondly, I am the only C.I.R. (Coordinator of International Relations) here now,whereas we had two of us here until the end of February this year. When there are two of us here, we meet nearly…

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A Golden Opportunity for Cherry Blossoms in Hokkaido


Golden Week in Hokkaido also happened to be peak cherry blossom season, so I decided to take up this golden photography opportunity by taking floral photos during golden hour. Gold gold gold! I’m super stoked to share these with you!! Also keep your eye out for some sneaky bee shots. (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ*:・゚✧ Included are photos of shiba-zakura: which are apparently called “moss phlox” but as a direct translation are more like “turf (cherry) blossoms”. Also pictured are some white azaleas, pink…

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Springtime = New Life + A New Job (Maybe)


The significance of April 1st is vastly different in Japan and Canada. You may all know that here in Canada, it is April Fool’s Day. Though for the most part, it is just a regular school or work day. Nothing major happens, except perhaps you fell for a corporate joke that there would be new skincare products promising to leave your skin velvety smooth called V by Velveeta – (you know – the cheese brand?) or an exfoliating mask you’d…

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All Work and No Play Makes Jack a *Smart* Boy


Greetings from Ashoro! When talking about the end of the school year, most of us in Canada would be referring to the month of June. Our thoughts may then drift towards the two months of summer break that follow. However, if you refer to June as the end of the school year to a person in Japan, they would give you a weird look. Compared to Canada, the school year is split very differently here in Japan. We are currently…

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